In recent years, and especially post-COVID, organizations use more virtual platforms to communicate and engage with their clients. While we at Sqope serve corporates — B2B — we like to describe it instead as B2P or “business to people” and which is reflected in how we treat our prospects and clients.

Roi Lavi
Each contact is seen through the lens of our products’ end-user with the primary goal of empowering this person with the enhanced due diligence services that we provide. We put on the white gloves for every interaction in order to maintain the kind of close and ongoing relationship for which we strive and which manifests itself based on the individual needs of our clients.
This often includes in-person meetings at their premises in different cities and countries — I personally find myself regularly on the road between the hubs in which are customers are based — but also means comprehensive service post-sale. This materializes through virtual meetings connecting the client with members of our intelligence division in order to share our thoughts on select cases or in-person presentations at client premises to members of the onboarding committee, senior compliance teams, and/or executives.
All are managed carefully to ensure the continued preservation of our essential “ethical wall” between our analysts and sales team in order to safeguard confidentiality and perpetuate objectivity.
We also importantly encourage and welcome all forms of feedback from our customers and remain open to their suggestions and input on improving the products and services we provide them. A number of recent enhancements implemented were a direct result of the open communication we maintain with clients and their willingness to share feedback openly, which is a direct result of our continue receptiveness to their evolving needs.
While we certainly embrace elements of remote culture, there is no replacement for in-person contact to continue building trust with our clients.