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Commercial Banking

The solution for commercial banks to assess the reputation of potential borrowers.

Go beyond the tick-the-box approach to due diligence: Sqope Intelligence provides comprehensive reports that enable commercial banks to assess the reputation and regulatory risks of offering loans and other services to high-risk clients.

This includes identifying any risks connected to local or international sanctions, as well as all other risk factors that could impact the bank reputation and the repayment of the loan.

Case Study

A Mediterranean-based bank was looking to make a loan to a Russian UHNWI in his mid-30s who made most of his wealth in the cryptocurrency sector and having a large part of his assets held in cryptocurrency. Our client wanted to validate the Subject’s narrative and better understand the risk associated with the origin of his wealth and his crypto holdings generally.

Our research did, indeed, validate his source of wealth narrative and confirmed that he invested early in crypto assets, benefited from the currencies’ growth, and used his earnings to establish several other successful companies, including those in the crypto sector. Our Crypto Asset Overview corroborated the history of the Subject’s crypto wallets.


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